Source Code is a 2011 Franco-American science-fiction thriller film directed by Duncan Jones and written by Ben Ripley. Duncan Jones being the only-known son of the artist David Bowie, other-wise is known for his work for writing and directing Moon. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, and Jeffrey Wright.
The story is told from the perspective of Captain Colter Stevens after waking up at a commuter train traveling to Chicago. He has no idea where he is going, where he is, and who the woman sitting in-front of him is, Christina Warren.
He heads into the bathroom and discovers that he is in the body of Sean Fentress. Then, after eight minutes, the train explodes.
He is resuscitated in the Source Code, a machine that allows for the individual inside it to relive past-moments. Once there, he is told that he is the only individual sharing the link needed to inhabit the body of Sean Fentress using the the machine. His objective is to discover the bomb that resides somewhere in the brain, as well as identify the bomber.
As the film explains, the Source Code is not a time-machine. And by that, it means he is incapable of saving any of the people lost in the bombing, however, by identifying the bomber, he might be able to stop him from destroying the other trains.
The film’s premise alone is definitely intriguing. There’s a lot of plot-mechanics that are familiar. A character reliving the same moment over and over again until he can find a specific detail that lets accomplish his task. Most recently, a similar concept was tried in Edge of Tomorrow.The logic and described information about the Source Code reminds me a little of the Animus in Assassin’s Creed. (in a good way)
However, the film is definitely different enough and enough depth in its own right to stand on its own.
The movie moves at a fast-pace that I found myself really enjoying. At the same time, it doesn’t forget to breathe every now and again when the times call for it. It didn’t leave a lot of plot-holes or a mess of problems like some others do with the idea. It lays itself out thinly, not throwing elements simply for the sake of being different, it tells its story, and if it every falls off the path, it isn’t for very long.
I enjoyed the acting of the film. I have always enjoyed the acting work of Jake Gyllenhaal. His work in Donnie Darko, Jarhead, Prisoners, End of Call, and many others have made him one of my personal favorites. I also found for Michelle Monaghan’s performance of Christina Warren to be charming. And while the antagonist of the story isn’t heavily featured, I enjoyed the way that his motives were presented in the story.
In conclusion, the film never feels like it drags. I never found myself feeling bored or tired from the premise, and it never feels like it is off track. Source Code focuses heavily upon the high-concept premise, however, it’s an idea that I believe is immensely enjoyable. It’s the kind-of idea that could have went either way, but with the inspired and enthralled acting from the capable cast, as well as the pacing, I believe that it was allowed to accomplish everything that it set out for.
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