Guardians of the Galaxy is a 2014 American science-fiction comedy film. The film is based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name, and is the tenth installment…
Tag: Science-Fiction Film
Movie Review: “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”
2014 has actually been a strong year when it comes to movies dealing with high-concept. Captain America: Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past went above and beyond expectations. Winter Soldier being a large improvement…
Movie Review: “Planet of the Apes”
I decided that since Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is only a few short days away that I would go back to some of the previous films. Albeit, I…
Movie Review: “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes will be making its presence known in US theaters on July 11th. In honor of that, I figured it’d only be fitting to…
Movie Review: “Oblivion”
This is the last day in our famed Science-Fiction month on Out of Frame, and while Star Trek Into Darkness was supposed to be the end of it. …
Movie Review: “Star Trek Into Darkness”
I remember when I watched this movie in theaters. There’s a lot of relevance to it. 2013 is memorable for me because of several different reasons. I’d say that…
Movie Review: “Star Trek”
The Star Trek franchise has left behind a legacy, it has cemented itself at a very high-point in the realms of science-fiction. Even now, the sixties television show remains…
Movie Review: “Looper”
Looper is a 2012 American science-fiction action film written and directed by Rian Johnson. The film stars Joseph Gorden-Levitt, Bruce Willis, as well as Emily Blunt. Bruce Willis, of…
Movie Review: “Edge of Tomorrow”
Edge of Tomorrow is a 2014 American military science fiction film starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. The film is based on a Japanese light novel called All You…